Friday, 25 January 2013

Happy Australia Day! + Intro

Hey everyone!

First off, today is the 26th of January 2013. So, Happy Australia Day! 

Now we've got that covered I thought I would introduce myself and what I hope to show through this blog.

My name is Lilli and I am a 16 y.o. from Sydney, Australia. I am a huge fan of music, especially the local punk pop scene. I feel that Australia has an amazing music scene, with such talented guys and girls, and think the world needs to see and hear it! When I finish school (which is just a year and half away yay!) I hope to either pursuit a career as a publicist/promoter in a record label or as a promoter for one of Australia's fantastic companies. My dream is to be able to create an experience for both the artist and the fans that they will both cherish forever. I also hope to bring more support towards the local music scene. 
I also have a keen interest in makeup and fashion as it can really define a person's personality. I love watching YouTube videos and just talking to people about how they define their personality through this. As I'm sure it is in all countries, Australia has a very diverse fashion for teens. Some of the fashion is absolutely amazing - some not so much! Then again, some may love it so just remember I'm voicing MY opinion. 

So in this blog I'm hoping to create a platform for the local Australian music scene (both signed and unsigned) so if there are any bands or artists reading this feel free to email me and I will check you guys out! 
I also will be reviewing both local and international artist's shows and albums so keep an eye out for that!

As this is a culture blog, I will also be reviewing and discussing makeup and fashion styles. I will be voicing MY opinions on what I see as do's and don't's which may or may not match up to what you think. 
As time goes on I'm sure I might expand the content that is featured on here but for now I will just stick to what I listed above. 

Thanks for reading!

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