Saturday 26 January 2013

Denim Undies :/

Hey everyone!

So for my first fashion post I thought I'd tackle the big issue that is seen in Australian teenage girls during summer and occasionally in winter. This issue is what I like to call "Denim Undies" - the trend of incredibly short shorts. 

Now, I know this ^ is a bit of an over-exaggeration but I see girls walking around with their bums hanging out for the whole world to see! I mean, even if you have an amazing butt like the girl in the picture above, it is not appropriate (and in my opinion - socially acceptable) to wear clothes like that!  Come on girls! You must have some form of self respect to cover your goodies!

I know a lot of you would be thinking "all shorts are short these days!" but there really is a fine line between appropriate and looking like a down-right skank.

These shorts are of the distressed style that is extremely popular at the moment and from the picture I can assume that they would cover her arse enough that she could walk around with out having to worry it would fall out.

This pair is a no go! You definitely know it is too short if your knickers are visible!  There is a reason people call it underwear - it is meant to go UNDER your clothes. Quite frankly shorts like this look tacky and "easy" if you know what I mean.

To all of you that are thinking "but I want to look sexy! I don't want to look like a nun!" Let me show you some pictures.

Miley Cyrus: Fashion icon to thousands. She wears shorts that follow the trend but they cover up all that should be covered. Thousands of men think she looks sexy and she isn't exposing her valuables!

Kourtney Kardashian: She is wearing short are extremely flattering and cover more than enough to keep her dignity. Now tell me she looks like a nun...

Rhianna: Ok, I know that Rhianna pushes the boundries with short  lengths but when out in public, she dresses to cover. Must I show you more?

So to conclude this blog post I just want to say; don't wear things for impressing a guy! Stay modest and keep your bum and all the other pieces inside when out in public. When you look comfortable in what you are wearing I can guarantee that guys will find you more attractive and like you for you!

Thanks for reading!

Friday 25 January 2013

Happy Australia Day! + Intro

Hey everyone!

First off, today is the 26th of January 2013. So, Happy Australia Day! 

Now we've got that covered I thought I would introduce myself and what I hope to show through this blog.

My name is Lilli and I am a 16 y.o. from Sydney, Australia. I am a huge fan of music, especially the local punk pop scene. I feel that Australia has an amazing music scene, with such talented guys and girls, and think the world needs to see and hear it! When I finish school (which is just a year and half away yay!) I hope to either pursuit a career as a publicist/promoter in a record label or as a promoter for one of Australia's fantastic companies. My dream is to be able to create an experience for both the artist and the fans that they will both cherish forever. I also hope to bring more support towards the local music scene. 
I also have a keen interest in makeup and fashion as it can really define a person's personality. I love watching YouTube videos and just talking to people about how they define their personality through this. As I'm sure it is in all countries, Australia has a very diverse fashion for teens. Some of the fashion is absolutely amazing - some not so much! Then again, some may love it so just remember I'm voicing MY opinion. 

So in this blog I'm hoping to create a platform for the local Australian music scene (both signed and unsigned) so if there are any bands or artists reading this feel free to email me and I will check you guys out! 
I also will be reviewing both local and international artist's shows and albums so keep an eye out for that!

As this is a culture blog, I will also be reviewing and discussing makeup and fashion styles. I will be voicing MY opinions on what I see as do's and don't's which may or may not match up to what you think. 
As time goes on I'm sure I might expand the content that is featured on here but for now I will just stick to what I listed above. 

Thanks for reading!